You have a fantastic idea for a business, but where should you open the doors? With online access you may think the business can be anywhere. The internet has definitely broadened the market of all businesses, however, customers still value personal interaction and want to know the person behind the product. Think carefully where to open your doors. Remember the old adage location, location, location.
O Chart of Accounts! O Chart of Accounts!
Much structure thou doest give me; O Chart of Accounts! O Chart of Accounts! Much structure thou doest give me; How often has the Chart of Accounts Afforded me the greatest glee! O Chart of Accounts! O Chart of Accounts! Much structure thou doest give me; "Is a maxim that is taught and believed by many... But in fact, the phrase is ridiculous -- something said by people who are unaware of how much is hidden. A large portion of what we manage can't be measured, and not realizing this has unintended consequences. The problem comes when people think that data paints a full picture, leading them to ignore what they can't see. Here's my approach: Measure what you can, evaluate what you measure, and appreciate that you cannot measure the vast majority of what you do. And at least every once in a while, make time to take a step back and think about what you are doing." -Ed Catmull, Creativity, Inc. page 219
This week I was having a conversation with a bookkeeper who recently switched to QuickBooks Online. For the most part they were adjusting well, but had one complaint. How do I work on two screens within the same company? This is an easy fix and not even a QuickBooks Online issue but a browser feature. In Chrome right click on the tab you are in then select Duplicate from the menu. Now you have two tabs open and can switch back and forth.
Some days it is nice just to sit back and coast, going with the flow. Recently, I was reminded of the Cheshire Cat quote from Alice in Wonderland. "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don’t much care where--" said Alice. "Then it doesn’t matter which way you go," said the Cat. "--so long as I get SOMEWHERE," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you’re sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough." (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 6) If we want to achieve your objectives you must know where the path leads. You may not know exactly every detail of the journey, but you should have a direction which you choose to take.
Bank feeds are great when used correctly. They can save lots of time by enabling you to enter transactions quickly. However, you still need to think about where the transactions are being coded. The bookkeeper must be aware of what is being added by the bank feed. Most online accounting software will auto populate the account code, but if the account is wrong the value of your accounting reports are greatly diminished. Just don't push accept on every line item, look and think, that is your job.
This is going to be so easy! How many times have you said that? In reality most things are not easy, which is a good thing. Recently, I heard a saying; if you work hard at something it becomes easier. The fact is the easy part comes after the hard part.
For most of my career I have sat at a desk and toiled away. In December of 2013 I changed offices and decided to raise my desk to stand. It has been over a year now and am still standing. The only problem is when I wear the wrong shoes, but with good shoes I can go all day. For more information check out
May 2023